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Analysis package

Research code facesim3d as Python package🗿

The code for data quality control, preprocessing, modeling and further analysis is available as the Python package facesim3d. The package has been implemented in Python 3.10.4 (no other versions have been tested).

Ideally, create a virtual environment (e.g., conda) to install the package:

conda create -n face_3.10 python=3.10.4

Activate the environment:

conda activate face_3.10

Install the package🗿

# Go to root folder of FaceSim3D
cd FaceSim3D/
pip install -e .

Two computational models (SPosE, VICE) that were used require additional packages that can be installed with the following command:

pip install -e ".[spose,vice]"

See the API reference for more information on the analysis code of the study.